The Body Series Part I: Skin Prep

I get asked a lot about my tanning routine. I don’t think that’s because I’m particularly good at tanning- I get an excellent professional tan, but I think what scares people about tanning is that it may go orange, or it may look patchy. Given that I have fair, dry skin, I’ve been there, so I’ve road tested enough salons and tanning solutions to know what works (and what really, really doesn’t).

Which brings me to The Body Series. A 3 part editorial and video series in which I talk you through my own routine, answer my FAQs, and hopefully help you work out what will work for you. I’ve worked on this series in partnership with Brazilian Butterfly, a company I trust and feel completely confident in recommending both their products and their services.

Part 1 of this series is all about prepping your skin- not necessarily for a tan, but just for life. The skin on your body shouldn’t be paid any less attention than the skin on your face. I neglected mine for a long time out of sheer laziness, but since paying extra attention to my body I feel like an ACTUAL GODDESS. Which is what this series is all about- these are the things I do for myself to make me feel like an 11/10. If you don’t want to tan, all power to you. Don’t want to remove your hair? Awesome! I feel exceptional when my body is akin to that of a baby seal, and feeling incredible is something everybody should experience more often than not.

And that’s what this series is all about. Brazilian Butterfly’s entire ethos is all about “creating confidence” (they haven’t told me to write this, by the way. They just said “let’s do some videos). I feel my most confident when I give my body that bit of extra TLC, and that’s the whole reason I do this for a job. Beauty should make you feel like the best version of yourself, not like a different person. Work with what you’ve got, love what you’ve got, and hopefully a little self love will follow.

For me, I love having a tan. I feel more toned, I feel like my little tiny barely-there muscles have more definition, and I feel better in a robe, a bikini, in an overcoat. I, personally, find that a tan goes on smoother if I’m not a prickly porcupine, but that’s more because I suffer from rank ingrowns post shaving and ingrowns are a friend to no one. If you can’t be arsed shaving your underarms, waxxing your legs or lazering your bikini line, great. I am too itchy of a human to do that.

I’m genuinely so excited to have partnered with Brazilian Butterfly for this series, and I hope we can help at least one of my blog readers or YouTube viewers create a little confidence for themselves, too.

